7 Apr.
Neue Konzepte um im täglichen Alltagsdschungel besser zu überleben – präsentiert von 164 führenden Wissenschaftern (Columbia, Harvard, Princeton etc.) u.a. aus dem Bereich der Kognitven- und Sozialwissenschaften
Eines der Beispiele:
Paul Kedrosky of the Kauffman Foundation nominates „Shifting Baseline Syndrome.“ This one hit home for me because I was just at a McDonald’s and guiltily ordered a Quarter Pounder With Cheese. I remember when these sandwiches were first introduced and they looked huge at the time. A quarter pound of meat on one sandwich seemed gargantuan. But when my burger arrived and I opened the box, the thing looked puny. That’s because all the other sandwiches on the menu were things like double quarter pounders. My baseline of a normal burger had shifted. Kedrosky shows how these shifts distort our perceptions in all sorts of spheres.
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